Ref.: 更多的"Z"形與畢氏定理 More about the big "Z" shapes and Pythagorean Theorem & Triples
Pure Polytans Sequence: 1,2,4,13,30,105,318,1111,3743,13228,46476...純多半方塊序列是我的最新嘗試?
On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences by N.J.A. Sloane , ID Number: A006074
Solver Download: PolySolver by Jaap Scherphuis
Nice Distinction: avoid one piece folded around a corner to touch itself
The Pure Tetratans & Pentatans Covering six- Z's (17-Ominoes) Cubic Box-Nets with Holey Buckle.
See also: My Puzzle Note 1.1 Note 1.1.a Note 1.2.1 Note 1.3.1